How To Move on from A Relationship Without Closure

Introduction:Life, they say, is a journey filled with experiences, and unarguably among these, relationships take the cake. Exceptionally enriching yet challenging, relationships can sometimes leave us in a pursuit of closure upon their ending. Although this closure aids in moving forward, the lack of it can make healing feel like trying to solve a mystery lacking crucial pieces. However, like with all challenges, overcoming this is entirely possible. Strap in as we explore 14 ways to navigate the journey of moving on from a relationship without closure.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

We are complex beings with emotions that are both diverse and deep. Ignoring what we feel provides only ephemeral solace.

Feeling Is Healing

First and foremost, it’s essential to acknowledge your emotions. Confusion, resentment, loneliness – they’re all valid.

“The first step towards moving on without closure is validating your feelings.”

2. Self-realization: It’s Ok To Not Have Closure

Obsessive pursuit of closure can sometimes prolong the healing process. Remember, it’s not always possible to get it, and it’s ok.

Find Comfort in Uncertainty

You don’t always need answers. Sometimes moving on is about learning to be comfortable with the uncertainty.

3. Keep Your Distance

Avoid contact with your ex. It may feel counter-intuitive during the initial phase, but it’s part of the closure-less healing journey.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

While it might sound cliché, cutting all contact can fast-track your healing process.

4. Foster a Healthy Mindset

Work on fostering a healthy mindset. Remember, it wasn’t just about them.

Own Your Experience

Take responsibility for your part of the relationship, the good and the ugly. As you do so, you’ll experience growth and increased self-awareness.

5. Let It Out

Sometimes, speaking about your feelings helps. Find a confidante or a professional who can lend you an ear.

Talk Therapy

Share with trusted individuals. Their perspectives can often provide unexpected insights.

6. Keep a Journal

Another form of expression is writing.

Pen Your Thoughts

Journaling is therapeutic and helps clear your mind of clutter. It helps prioritize problems and fears, letting you make constructive strides forward.

7. Keep Busy

Once you’ve emptied your emotional bucket, engage yourself in activities.

Discover New Hobbies

Find new hobbies or immerse yourself in ones you already enjoy. They’ll help distract your mind while making your heart lighter.

8. Physical Wellbeing

In the pursuit of mental peace, don’t neglect the physical.

Sweat It Out

Exercising helps release endorphins, famously known as ‘happy hormones’.

9. Practice Mindfulness

Marriage of the mental and physical is achieved through mindfulness.


Meditation helps you to stay rooted in the present and keeps unwelcome memories at bay.

10. Create a New Routine

Change your daily routine, transform your living space – create a new life.

Embrace Change

New experiences bring new perspectives and make us more stable and positive.

11. Build Social Connections

Rebuilding and nurturing social connections help keep you grounded.


Reconnect with the people who matter. They form your support system and ensure you never feel alone.

12. Travel

Traveling gives you a chance to meet new people, see new things, and freshen up your mind.

New Destinations, New Perspectives

New geographical locations give creative stimulation to the brain, ending mental stagnation.

13. Let Go

The most challenging, yet most critical step is to let go.

Forgive and Forget

Forgiving them and forgetting the hurt takes time, but it’s the most crucial step toward complete healing.

14. Optimism: Your Guiding Light

Always believe that better days are coming.

Believe in Better

Believe in the power of positivity. Trust that something better awaits you.


Healing is a personal journey, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The journey of moving on from a relationship without closure may seem daunting initially but remember that every cloud has a silver lining. Although you may not be able to wave a magic wand to bring closure, you do have the power to work on healing, progressing, and growing. Trust the process, have patience, and celebrate the small victories along the way.

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