10 Things guys do if they are secretly in love with you!

10 Subtle things guys do when they are secretly in love with you. Image by upklyak on Freepik

If a guy realizes that he’s catching all those hot feelings for you, there’s a good probability that he’s trying to conceal his feelings so that it won’t be so obvious for you to get a grasp of his sweet little secret!

There are, however, a few obvious things he would do if he has fallen a bit hard in love for you!

He can’t help staring at you!

He’ll frequently be staring at you or trying to make eye contact with you if he likes you! You might notice him staring deeply at you before he briefly turns his gaze away. This would be one of the biggest signs that he has strong romantic feelings for you which makes it super obvious that he genuinely likes you!

When he feels that it’s a good time to express his feeling to you, he will muster all his courage to confess!

If he goes a step further and holds your hand while speaking to you and gazing you in the eyes, it would just prove that he is completely enamoured with you and that he is powerless to stop himself. Unquestionably, this is a great start for true love!

He “accidentally” touches you!

Yes, boys can be rather sly at times! It’s obvious he secretly loves you but is afraid to accept it if he touches you and then claims it wasn’t on purpose.

Boys frequently do this because they are unable to think of a better way to actually do it and simply wants to be near to you and feel your skin against theirs. If a guy who has been keeping an eye on you for a while behaves in this manner, you can say for sure that he is up to something and that he likes you more than a sweet buddy!

He changes his tone when he’s talking to you!

You will catch him using a very pleasant, neat and smooth tone when he’s talking to you, and he would not use the same tone when he’s talking to anyone else! Coz…. it’s only for you to hear!

That’s him there giving you clear subtle signs that he’s probably in love with you and only you!

He will get jealous of other guys around you!

 He will get all worked up and get jealous when another man talks to you or when you bring up a recent conversation you had with another guy! 

The thought that another man might steal you will make him feel uneasy. This is undoubtedly one of the most obvious signs that he loves you secretly but is trying to hide it!

So, don’t be surprised if he becomes all upset when you bring up another guy in the conversation. He’s trying his hardest to make the right impression, but he’s powerless against his own secret emotions!

He’s gets protective!

One of the signs that he truly loves you is when he shows a protective body language and tone like walking by the side of the road or standing up to you when he feels you’re uncomfortable in a certain situation!

Because yes! Not every man will be protective to every woman he talks to. Men are wired to protect their loved ones, and in this situation, that would be you!

So, one of the subliminal signs that he secretly loves you but is hesitating to confess is by standing up for you against those who wish to hurt you and by showing that he cares for you.

He wants the conversations to be going!

A guy who likes you will constantly make attempts to talk to you. Even if the conversation comes to an end, he’ll come up with varieties of questions or ideas to keep the conversation going.

You might also find him stuttering or a bit flushed because it really takes a lot of courage and energy to think about possible conversation topics you would love!

You’ll also catch him asking you questions about your interests, hobbies, music preferences, pets or anything that he would love to know about you. Likewise, be sure to look out for the qualities he expresses with you and others to know whether he would be a good match for you or not!

He leans in when he is talking to you!

A guy who’s in love with you will try to get closer to you both physically and mentally. He’ll be interested in what you do or say when he has a conversation with you.

So, you will catch him leaning or getting closer to you whenever you have a good conversation going! If you do catch him leaning towards you, just try to move a little bit farther! If he tries to lean more towards you even after you pulled a bit back, this guy might totally be in love with you!

He gets a quick glance at you while he makes a joke!

When you’re around friends, just keep an eye on him! If he tells a joke and turns to you to catch your reaction, he’s definitely in love with you!

It clearly shows that he’s trying to win your favor or make a good impression for you to like him too!

He’s all clumsy when he’s with you!

You will spot him making cute and clumsy mistakes when he’s around you. The problem is that despite his desire to show his manly side, he would be too anxious when he actually tries a move to impress you!

If he constantly makes mistakes in your presence, it may be a sign that he’s secretly in love with you but is unsure of how to confess it.

He just can’t help it! Try not to make it too difficult for him because he’s already trying to win your over very hard!

He’s always thinking about you!

He would show clear cut signs that he’s thinking about you frequently! A man will probably think about you all the time if he is in love with you.

He might surprise you with a pleasant visit, tells you new stories and things he thinks you’ll enjoy, or just let you know he’s thinking of you by randomly texting you during the day to see what you’re up to!

Randomly checking on you to know how you’re doing, what you ate, what Netflix series you’re watching, just anything! He just showers you with attention and care which will totally make it obvious that something is going on in his mind!

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